Notes on Progress in the New Zealand Ibogaine Study – Geoff Noller

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Notes on Progress in the New Zealand Ibogaine Study

Geoff Noller, PhD

This presentation reports on the first year of progress in the New Zealand observational study of ibogaine treatment outcomes for opioid-dependent persons. Current participants’ data are reviewed and the implications of New Zealand’s ibogaine legislation for research and treatment are discussed.

Dr. Geoff Noller has a background in social science and qualitative research. He commenced his PhD at Otago University’s Anthropology Department, completing his thesis (Cannabis in New Zealand) with the Otago University Medical School’s Department of Psychological Medicine in 2007.

Dr. Noller is an independent consultant specialising in substance use research, contracting to universities, government and the private sector. He has undertaken ethnographic fieldwork in New Zealand, Australia and the Caribbean, presenting his work at international conferences and symposia (Australia, Europe and the Caribbean) and national fora.

Currently Dr. Noller is involved in a number of research projects in New Zealand. These include the MAPS-sponsored Observational study of the long-term efficacy of ibogaine-assisted therapy in participants with opioid addiction, an evaluation of a rural mobile outreach service for injecting drug users and a national seroprevalence survey of injecting drug users.

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At Psychedelic Science 2013, over 100 of the world’s leading researchers and more than 1,900 international attendees gathered to share recent findings on the benefits and risks of LSD, psilocybin, MDMA, ayahuasca, ibogaine, 2C-B, ketamine, DMT, marijuana, and more, over three days of conference presentations, and two days of pre- and post-conference workshops.

