1st Conference of Dialogs between Medicines. Treatment of addictions with traditional medicines.

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1st Conference of Dialogs between Medicines.
Treatment of addictions with traditional medicines.
This is the first Conference of medical experts, aimed at exchanging knowledge of different medicines practiced around the world. Traditional medicine exists in all cultures and must co-exist with Allopathic Medicine, which has been adopted by governments world-wide.

In recognition of the globalization of traditional medicine, the GASS association seeks to reflect on the pace of this globalization and to exchange knowledge which will create new approaches and therapeutic opportunities. Our conference will offer valuable insights from professionals with exceptional knowledge in the treatment of addictions: Dr. Roman Paskulin, Dr. Jorge Hurtado, Dr.Jacques Mabit and Lcdo. Sacha Domenech, all of whom are working to develop new therapies using plants and techniques from traditional medicines in Africa and South America, including the Amazonian Ayahuasca, the San Pedro Cactus, the Andine Coca leaf, and the African Iboga.

All conferences will be translated into English.

Program Date: October 31 , 2009.
Location: c/Roc Boronat 81-95, 08005 Barcelona

[spp-timestamp time="09:00"] [spp-timestamp time="09:30"] Welcome and Acknowledgements
[spp-timestamp time="09:30"] [spp-timestamp time="09:45"] Music performance with Anna Giménez and Tckika.
[spp-timestamp time="09:45"] [spp-timestamp time="10:00"] Welcome. Dr. Joan Colom. Subdirector General de drogodepencències del Departament de Salut de la Generalitat de Catalunya.
[spp-timestamp time="10:00"] [spp-timestamp time="11:00"] Dr. Roman talks about the therapeutic use of African Iboga.
[spp-timestamp time="11:15"] [spp-timestamp time="12:15"] Dr. Sacha Domenech talks about the therapeutic use of the Andean San Pedro Cactus.

Lunch and video presentation to provide additional information about our speakers.

[spp-timestamp time="16:00"] [spp-timestamp time="17:00"] Dr. Jorge Hurtado talks about the therapeutic use of the Andean Coca Plant.
[spp-timestamp time="17:15"] [spp-timestamp time="18:15"] Dr. Jacques Mabit talks about the therapeutic use of the Amazonica Ayahuasca.
[spp-timestamp time="18:45"] [spp-timestamp time="19:30"] Roundtable discussion among the speakers.

After each speech, there will be 15-20 minute question and answer sessions.

To enroll, complete the form on the GASS web page http://gass.cat
Enrolment will be confirmed after your payment has been validated. You should submit receipt of bank transaction to FAX 93 427 90 93 or email to secretaria@gass.cat (please include first and last name)

Until 20/09/09. After 20/09/09
Students 30€ 45€
ONG Members 35€ 50€
General Public 40€ 55€

Scientific Direction
Dr. Roman Paskulin, Slovenia:
OMI Director, Anthropological Medicine Institute of Slovenia: Dr Paskulin will highlight his experience in the research and treatment of addictions using the Iboga plant from traditional African bwiti medicine.

Dr. Sacha Domenech, Argentina:
Psychologist, co-founder of the Runa Wasi centre in Argentina. For 20 years, Dr Domenech, along with a team of doctors, has been treating addictions using the Wachuma or San Pedro Cactus, and other plants.

Dr. Jorge Hurtado, Bolivia:
Psychiatrist, Director of the Coca Museum in La Paz, Bolivia. Dr Hurtado researches traditional techniques which use the coca plant to treat cocaine addicts. He recently won a Science and Technology award for the development of coca leaf pills to treat cocaine addiction.

Dr. Jacques Mabit, France:
Doctor, researcher in plateau and mazon Peruvian medicine. He funded the Takiwasi Centre for Drug Rehabilitation and Research of Traditional Medicines in 1992, with the support of the European Union and the Volunteers Program for United Nations. In 1996, he was co-founder of the Consejo Interamericano sobre la Espiritualidad Indigena (CISEI-Mexico). In 2001 he co-founded the International Network of Traditional Ayahuasqueros Doctors (RIMTAY-Peru).

Technical Coordination: Mr. Eduard Casas. GASS President.

More Info: http://gass.cat

Support from: Health goverment from Catalonia (Departament de Salut, Generalitat de Catalunya)
