Session Preparations:
- Avoid fried, fatty, salty, overprocessed food especially refined sugars & carbohydrates. Eat whole grains, fruits, vegetables, fish and chicken.
- 1 week before take a B-12 capsule, 1000mg Vit C, potassium, magnesium & calcium supplements plus ½ aspirin daily.
- Hydrate the week before and the day before drinks lots of electrolyte such as Gatorade.
- Fast on the day of the session with a light breakfast of fruit, fresh juice (avoid grapefruit juice), tea if desired, water and a little porridge. Do not eat further but continue to drink liquids approximately 3 glasses per hour.
- Practise controlled breathing into the stomach. On day of session this is your main tool for regulating noxious feelings and works remarkably well.
- Set your intentions for the session. Write down all the issues you feel are important to you. If you have negative life patterns make a plan for a change of lifestyle and put the necessary supports in place beforehand.
- Avoid strenuous activity on the day and travel by public transport to and from the session.
- In the weeks leading up to the session undergo daily exercise of at least 20 minutes to ½ hour ensuring a good warm up has been achieved. If preferred walking or swimming will suffice.
- Eliminate alcohol at least 10 days beforehand
- If you are taken any other medications or drugs please discuss this beforehand.
- EKG, Liver panel and blood composition tests are required. For further tests see Safety.
- Have some form of support network in place post-session.
- Body therapies such as massage, reiki, rolfing, acupuncture and energy work can be helpful for grounding post session. Otherwise walking and swimming along with ones own emotional catharsis is equally beneficial.
- Keep a dream journal and document your experience.
- The session will be more comfortable if the digestive tract is clear. Plenty of roughage in the diet will help this process along.
- Water canl be administered during the session via a mouthpiece.
- During the initial part of the session it is important to breath in a controlled and proper manner. At the first sign of nausea it is important to breath calmly into your stomach. As one is prone to motion sickness, movement should be kept to a minimum and be of an ordered fashion.
- Use a non-intrusive recorder if you wish to speak notes during the session. It should operate independently of your help.
- Use a loose top and light pants to wear during the session.
- The session will be more successful if you focus on the material which is presented.
- Once the initial visual (& most difficult) part of the session is over a long period of mental processing normally takes place. This is usually quite exhausting but is very important to the success of the session. Think of it as a marathon with the prize up ahead. Don’t worry if you feel uneasy during this section. Sleep normally comes unexpectedly despite difficulty in falling asleep, waking renewed and refreshed.
- An eye mask can be used and the room darkened to help see visuals.
- Clients sometimes go a little stir crazy after such a longer period of intense activity. Until they have slept this will not go away. Clients should be conscious of how this affects their behaviour.
- Drink glasses of vitamin C before the session and once the session has ended to reffresh the body.
- No driving for a week as ones reflexes are significantly lessened.
- Integrating the experience is vital and this can be helped along by grounding exercises such as sports and activities, as well as daily life interaction with people while applying your new insights into different patterns of behaviour.
- Ensure that you avoid any environment which supported your previous life habits which you now seek to change. Make a plan.
- Take melatonin to help with sleep deprivation.
- Include omega 3 fatty acids, vit b6 and vit b12 in your diet. For those coming off a dependence on alcohol etc it is suggested to take 5htp, l-tyrosine, d-phenlalamine +DL-phenylalanine and GABA supplements to restore the brains natural mood enhancers.
- For a time eat wholegrains, fruit, vegetables, fish and chicken. Your taste will be more refined after the session which makes this easier.
- Know what you seek!