Eboka Forum
http://www.eboka.info/ – An eboka forum with discussions ungoing under various categories including pharmacology, cultivation and sharing ones experiences.
Bwiti Web Sites
Association Culturelle EBANDO – “The organisation seeks to encourage the transmission of traditional Knowledge and practices including philosophy and oral traditions, art and crafts; and the healing skills of the Bantu and Pygmy peoples from the Ogoou¨¦ basin region of Gabon.” Gabon based Bwiti initiations offered. French & English language translation.
MEYAYA – a BWITI web page in French. (English site version link currently not-working.) “Web site Focus – the ancient, perennial religion of Eboga.
https://www.facebook.com/SAVOIRS-DAFRIQUE-147892411923/info?tab=page_info – “Fond¨¦e en Juin 2004, Savoirs d’Afrique est une association r¨¦gie par la loi de 1901 qui a pour but de faire connaïtre et reconnaïtre les savoirs traditionnels africains, particuli¨¨rement ceux des Pygm¨¦es du Gabon, et de les mettre ¨¤ la disposition de tous ceux que cela pourrait intèresser.”