Lessons from Modern Consciousness Research
Psychology of the Future: Watch Dr. Stan Grof’s Grand Rounds lecture: given at the U. of Arizona, to the psilocybin/OCD research team.
Mythology, Spirituality & Psychology:
The Holy Grail: An interpretation of the Grail myth by Ingrid H. Shafer.
Myths, Dreams & Symbols: Beautifully created & comprehensive Web site on the psychology & spirituality of Carl Jung and the ground breaking mythology of Joseph Campbell among many, many others.
The Origins of Man: Beautiful animated timeline of man’s evolution showing succintly the various stages of hominid development.
Myths-Dreams-Symbols – Jung: Jung’s Philosophy In A Nutshell.
Joseph Campbell & Bill Moyers Interviews: The Power of Myth.
Interview with Stan Grof: Frontiers of the Mind.
Interview with Stan Grof: The Multi-Dimensional Psyche.
Psychology: Online Resource Central.
www.smartscholar.com/psychology-guide/: PSYCHOLOGY EDUCATION RESOURCE GUIDE – Comprehensive Learning Guide for Students and Teachers.
Psychotherapy & Shaminism:
Ibogaine: The end of Primal Therapy? by John A. Speyer.
Ibogaine: A Therapeutic Miracle? by Donald J. Allen.
Hallucinogenic Drugs & Plants In Psychotherapy & Shaminism by Ralph Metzner.
Psychedelic Research Around the World. A Summary by MAPS, the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies.
Complementary Therapies:
The Primal Psychotherapy Page. A resource for those interested in the regressive deep feeling psychotherapies including Holotropic Breathwork, Primal Therapy & Psychedelic Drugs.
Dr Arthur Janov’s Primal Therapy Center.
Association for Holotropic Breathwork International.
International Institute for Dance Therapy.
Merlins Magical Mystery School & Spiritual Healing Temple: Spiritual Energetic Healings & Shamanic Metaphysical Teachings by David Raphael Isaacson.
http://www.psychicvampirism.com/: The Roots of Evil Exposed.