The African psychoactive alkaloid Ibogaine, Schedule 1 in the USA, researched for substance use since the 1950’s, has demonstrated effectiveness in reversing tolerance & craving for opioids, stimulants & alcohol. Risks & fatalities are involved, due to the demographic, screening, inducing bradycardia, prolonging the QT interval & blocking the Potassium hERG channel, further complicated by opioid maintenance medications & psychiatric drugs. Almost all ibogaine centres, rapidly increasing in number, administer a single “flood” dose, with supplemental amounts over 5-7 days. PAWS is not remediated by this accelerated approach, as abstinence symptoms persist for months. I will present a case of a 17 year methadone dependency, using cumulative doses of ibogaine & decreased doses of methadone over 6 weeks. She has remained opiate-free for over 1 year. Supported with data from ECGs & standard measures, this case demonstrates that it may be safer & efficacious to administer ibogaine incrementally over time.
Filmed at Breaking Convention 2017
4th International Conference on Psychedelic Consciousness
University of Greenwich London – June 30th – July 2nd 2017