World Ayahuasca Conference Brazil 2016

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World Ayahuasca Conference Brazil 2016


World Ayahuasca Conference Brazil 2016

Two years after the first World Ayahuasca Conference, held in Ibiza (Spain), we now take on the next challenge to bring together the international ayahuasca community in the spirit of the dialogue and exchange of knowledge and experience initiated in the first edition.

About 9,000 km. of land and water is what separates Ibiza from Rio Branco, capital of Acre, in the Brazilian Amazonia. This privileged environment offers people attending the event a dive into one of the world’s epicenters of ayahuasca: the perfect place to honor the cultural diversity of ayahuasca practices. In times of a rapid globalization of the use of ayahuasca, the dialogue about cultural recognition and protection of traditional practices worldwide is more important than ever.

In this spirit, ICEERS Foundation and all people and organisations related to the organization of the event, are working to ensure for the second time a memorable experience for those who will join us in RioBranco. More than 100 speakers will share their knowledge and expertise, we will have transcultural round-tables, we will host a film festival, count on the participation of musicians and artists, allow for the public to know the indigenous cultures from up close…and much more.

The languages of the conference are Portuguese, Spanish and English and simultaneous translation will be available in the auditorium.
