Dr. Anwar Jeewa is the founder and director of Minds Alive Wellness Centre. He holds an Honours degree (2004) in Religion and Social Transformation from the University of Kwazulu-Natal (UKZN), for which he submitted a mini-dissertation entitled “Religion, Spiritual and Substance Abuse.” He also holds a Masters degree in Social Science (2006) from UKZN; the title of his dissertation was “The Treatment of Substance Abuse in Residential Centres in the 21st Century.” He is currently in the process of submitting a PhD proposal focusing on the long term effects of Ibogaine.
Dr Jeewa is heavily involved in drug awareness programmes both in South Africa, as well as in other African countries.
His life story was featured in the Readers Digest in September 2003. He has been featured in various magazines and newspapers and regularly appears as a guest on a range of radio stations, including Voice of the Cape FM, Radio 786, Radio Lotus, Radio Islam and Radio Al-Ansaar. He produces and presents his own programme “Fools Paradise” on Channel Islam International.
Dr Jeewa has presented papers on substance abuse, and specifically on using Ibogaine for the purposes of detoxification, at conferences around the world including: Hope Conference (Bombay 2005, 2008); Ibogaine Conference (Washington 2008); Harms Reduction Conference (Miami 2008); Ibogaine Conference (Boston 2009); Drug Policy Alliance Conference (Alberqueque, 2009); Ibogaine Conference (New York, 2010); Ibogaine GITA Conference (Barcelona, 2010); Psychedelic Science Conference (Amsterdam, 2010); Harm Reduction Conference (Austin, 2010); Ibogaine GITA Conference (Vancouver, 2012). He was also published in the South African Family Journal in 2009.