Eden – Tucson, AZ. Provider states: “As a former heroin addict, plagued by PTSD, trauma, and all kinds of anxiety disorders, I specialize in the acute care and confrontation of major psychological illness with the power of iboga. While I myself was detoxed with ibogaine for heroin addiction and handle detoxes cases with incredible skill, as a psychology major, I strive to help sufferers of trauma and mental illness delve into the crevices of the mind, healing their broken connections and regenerating new ones via ibogaine and the beautiful energy of life within all nature. I also handle repeat treatment cases very well. Did you think ibogaine can just never work for you? Don’t give up hope! An EKG is mandatory, and while I prefer to include a heavily spiritual aspect to my treatments, I can also curb this on request. Vital signs are monitored throughout.”