Dosed | TRAILER #1 [HD]

Dosed is a feature documentary that has the power to help the 300 million people in the world suffering from illnesses like anxiety and depression, as well as the 1.3 billion people struggling with addictions of all kinds. Please get involved on social media @DoseMovie on instagram, facebook, twitter. Let’s get educated on this important cause and please donate to the film so we can make sure it ...

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Geoff Noller – Ibogaine Treatment for Opioid Dependence in New Zealand

Geoff Noller – Ibogaine Treatment for Opioid Dependence in New Zealand: A 12-month Post-treatment Follow-up Observational Study
(Kicking Against the Pricks – Ibogaine Therapy in Aotearoa)

About: This presentation reports on outcomes from a 12-month, post-treatment observational study of opioid dependent subjects, who have received ibogaine therapy. Outcome measures include the Addictions Severity Index (ASI) and the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II). The background to ibogaine treatment in New Zealand is ...

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