Ibogaine is a naturally-occurring psychoactive indole alkaloid derived from the roots of the African rainforest shrub Tabernanthe iboga.
Universal Ibogaine’s addiction treatment featured on Netflix; official company launch, PP announced
The company’s revolutionary treatment and recovery program, using the product Ibogaine, will initially focus on the opioid epidemic in British Columbia followed by North America.

Ibogaine- African Drug That Cures Opioid Addiction: Iboga Plant, Psychedelic Effects & Dangers
Ibogaine is a drug that has been mentioned by many former heroin addicts to be the reason why they quit heroin. It is a drug that has been reported to significantly reduce the opioid withdrawal symptoms that occur when a heroin user tries to quit. However, it is illegal in the US and considered a schedule 1 drug and so in this video we will talk about how ...
3-minutes with Stanley Poe RE: Ibogaine
A brief self-introduction of Stanley Poe to various, yet specific Ohio legislators, medical professionals and others Poe hopes to reach with his detailed journey with professionally administered Ibogaine treatment.
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Interview with Ibogaine Adviser
Ibogaine Treatment – Interview with Ibogaine Adviser Patrick Venulejo. Learn what is ibogaine & various types being used, what to expect and not expect from it, what are the indications, etc.
To watch the full 45 min. inteview, subscribe at: www.ibogainetreatment.net