The Action of Ibogaine

Ibogaine is the progressive process to help detox from drugs and stay off. Here we discuss the basics behind ibogaine’s mechanism of action and how it effects the brain during opiate detox. It is important to note that while Ibogaine is known as a tried and true detox for opiate users, it is also very effective for most other substance dependencies, problematic behaviors, and thought ...

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Terence McKenna – Talks about Ibogaine, the Addiction-Destroyer!! (1992 Lecture)

This lecture was from 1992. Laws may or may not be different in different parts of the world as far as Ibogaine, and any other chemicals mentioned. Just so you know.. 🙂

This channel is dedicated to the great thinkers / writers / activists / artists / movers-n-shakers of the late 20th and early 21st century, including documentaries on cultural topics such as psychedelics, and lectures and talks ...

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